The SchlagLicht exhibition, opening as part of Berlin Art Week, assembles works from two important art collections in Germany. Current approaches in paint- ing, graphic arts, sculpture and photography’s forms of expression elicit exciting dialogues that highlight various facets of being human: How do social, societal, political and historical structures shape us? How do we act within our (urban) environments? And what are some of the commonalities and differentiations within artistic approaches? Artists across the generations trace and explore these topics and questions within the frameworks of the body, gender, portraits, cityscapes and abstraction, generating numerous points of inter- section, while also stimulating new thought processes. 

13.09. - 10.12.2023
Stiftung Kunstforum Berliner Volksbank
Kaiserdamm 105, 14057 Berlin
(Ecke Sophie-Charlotten-Straße)